Alamak Chat #1

[Jonathan] is not a matter of lang or not...when you entered this chat agreed whetheryour read the rulez or not to abide by the rules of this chat regardless of if it meant no cussing by clicking enter you agreed to the terms of rules and it doesnt matter if you or anyone is offeneded by it Alamak has said that lang shall not be tolerated and it is rightly so because it is his chat room
[Sandman_] hell anyone smacks me r/l the get one right back
[ApocalYpse] ... alamak can kiss my ass.. and so can you
[Sandman_] Jonathan but why should we obey the rules when most ops don't?
[ApocalYpse] even me Sandy?
[ApocalYpse] you would slap me?
[Sandman_] Go Dani *s*
[foreverending] i realize that but its not as if hes being harmful
*** Kick ApocalYpse by Jonathan (slandering).
[Sandman_] No Dani of course not you *hugs*
*** AutoResponse (142.194.154) Forest / Time seems to stop magically as AutoResponse enters the clearing between the trees.
[AutoResponse] ugh
[Jonathan] that is a good question Sandman but those ops will be dealt with also
[AutoResponse] that was stupid
[Sandman_] slandering is a cheap kick
[Jonathan] Alamak is cracking down on Abusive Ops
[AutoResponse] *yawns*
[Jonathan] no its not
[Jonathan] slandering is in the rules as a no no
[Sandman_] like Freesia for kicking people when there talking about precrisption drugs?
[foreverending] besides i seriously doubt that people who pay for priveliges here are liscenced to be proper censors they only get to judge because they pay a fee
[prissy_] looks at Jonathan before she logs off~ Just reading what you wrote there~
[Jonathan] if you have a problem with the rules then please leave the chat room operators are here to provide a clean fair place to chat
*** Alamak (#203.116.149#) has left location Forest
[Z] hmm wonder if their cracking down on $$ orders that were cashed and not granted for ops?
[AutoResponse] i don't read the rules
[Sandman_] yeah it is so what if they say something bad about the chat unless its really offensive big whooop hell I'm slandering the chat right now
[Z] damn he left
[AutoResponse] hey look.. Alamak was online? *laughs* oh man
[AutoResponse] hahah i didn't even know that
[AutoResponse] christ that's pricelss

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