Well, see it's like this. I got kicked from Crapamak one day, and I ended up in this strange little place called Al's Hideout. Now, I wasn't in the greatest of moods that day, so I went off and kicked a whole lot of them. You can look at the ban logs found on Places Page if you want to see them all. Anyway, as I was saying. I ended up here, and I made a few enemies, which was fine by me. I really didn't give two shits who did and didn't like me. But, me being who I am, I stayed in there just to aggravate them all. As it turns out, I actually started liking a few of them, so I decided hey, why not put them on my page eh? Sounded like a good plan to me, so here they are!! If you're an Al's person and feel you should be on this page, tell me. I'll let you know if you should be. Either I accidentally missed you, in other words I forgot you, or you're an idiot. Either way, I'll let you know!
Go here to see people from regular Crapamak.
Melanie's Ghost
Well what is there to say about Mel. *grins* She's funny as hell sometimes, and I don't see her get mad often, but when she does it's quite amusing to watch.
Well, I haven't talked to him lots, but I figured he deserves a spot up here. Right under Melanie... *thinks* or maybe over her? Oh boy. Gutter mind! Heh, and WoM doesn't like chocolate.. nope.. he's more of a nut man.
ehhh Michelle is a nifty person!!! Obviously, she wouldn't be on here if she wasn't, would she?
weezer is a sweetie *smiles* heh... he sent me a message on icq from my web page. woohoo!! *feels special*
i don't talk to 36er often, but i like her. she seems nice and stuff.. heh and she talks properly too.. i think.
This is Carter... She's a pretty cool person. Yup yup. 'cept when she uses u instead of you. But other than that she's all right! *snickers* According to her, my name is Nelson.
Heh, this boy makes me laugh. Such a weird guy, in a good way. And for the last time, there is nothing going on between us *L* Everybody seems to think there is... As if. We all know I don't do cyber shit *L* 'sides cat belongs to 36er.
He's the sheriff of Al's. So he says anyway. But that's okay, he said I could be his deputy! *does the deputy dance* aw yah baby... heh.. i like this guy though. only just met him but hey! he hasn't kicked me yet for flooding or anything.. what's not to like?! *laughs*
no comment...
*snickers* i wuvs ROXY.. even if i did kick her my first day in al's.. and then fruitsie banned her.. ahah made me laugh it did... but i have been made to see the error of my ways... now i only pick on idiots... heheh
All right, am I the only one who can't seem to type this nick? I can never get it right the first time. God, why do people insist on making my life so difficult?! Couldn't you just have used "troopa" or something?? Sheesh, you'd better count your lucky stars that I like you or I'd be making your life miserable right now. Muahahah *giggles* Okie I done.
petra is a sweetie *smiles* Even if she does just use me for my colour. Heh, she's a smart one though. When she sees the "evil" people come in, meaning the kick happy ops (and no i'm not a kick happy op... least not anymore *snickers*) she likes to keep quiet and stay out of the way. Very smart if i do say so myself. I could think of some who would do well to follow her example... *looks at Troopa*
ehhh this is a funny boy... yup.. he likes to try to get me out of my bad moods.. doesn't work though... i thrive on bad moods... if i didn't have bad moods and stuff to complain about i'd kill myself! honest!! heh.. really though.. he's a sweetie and he's actually fun to talk to... hasn't tried to get in my pants... not yet anyway *laughs*
This guy always gives me
's when i come in. Isn't that sweet? He's super nice, kind of quiet, but that just makes it so much more funny when he just up and kicks somebody or abuses somebody for no reason!