ribbit You dumbass, don't touch hippity hop
Well, this here is a page dedicated to all the idiots I have come across during my days in Alamak. Well, sorry, I lied, not all of them, but some of them. Enjoy, maybe have a laugh or two (or not) and if you see these people, remember just how stupid they really are. Okay, chances are, I might forget to update this particular page, so if you want to see all the stupid things, such as idiot conversations and illegal kicks and banlogs, and stuff like that, click HERE to go to the Stupid Shit Page . I'll try to keep this updated though!! Enjoy your stay! Be sure to Sign My Book !!!!!

Idiot Conversation #1
Idiot Conversation #2
Idiot Conversation #3
Idiot Conversation #4
Idiot Conversation #5
Idiot Conversation #6
Idiot Conversation #7
Idiot Conversation #8
Idiot Conversation #9
Idiot Conversation #10
Idiot Conversation #11

I just had to add this on here

Main Entry: id·i·ot Pronunciation: 'i-dE-&t Function: noun 1 : a person affected with idiocy; especially : a feebleminded person having a mental age not exceeding three years and requiring complete custodial care